Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let's Talk Transportation

This is a pretty good area for me to live. Within 3 blocks there are a small family run grocery [the best!], a major Drugstore, a Post Office, three bus stops, and I'm eligible for Medicaid subsidized transportation for medical appointments. Not bad, I thought.

Today, after several attempts over the past year, I have yet to be successful arranging Medicaid transportation to/from a single medical appointment.

The way it works down here in the swamps, is that you contact the [Medicaid] dispatcher only AFTER you have contacted an approved transportation firm that serves your parish, 48 hours before your appointment. Back in November, I did that. 20 minutes before I was supposed to be at my new PCP's, the firm calls and tells me they cannot help me as they don't serve this area. No, they do not know who does. Thanks, so MUCH Medicaid!

Took me a few days but I found a PCP whose office is on one of my 3 bus lines. Because I switched PCP's when I did, It wasn't until 3 months later in February that I could get an appointment. I have really had to practice patience. I apologize to those with whom I have not been perfect.

As was bound to happen, I was referred to a Specialist whose office was not on one of the 3 bus lines. I was forced to turn to the Medicaid [never has] provided transportation. I call one of the approved companies, then Medicaid's dispatch office and we're good to go. Or so I thought..

At 6:00 pm the night before the big appointment I had waited 3 months for, Medicaid dispatch calls to tell me that my appointment time [4:00pm] is outside the transportation firm's hours of operation. Fill in the blank, check the box. Move to the right...

I wanted to cry.

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